443-HELP or 1 (800) - AA - CRIME
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Our Sacramento Valley Crime Stoppers Program (formerly Sacramento Citizen's Crime Alert Program) began in 1981 from the efforts of the Sacramento Police and Sacramento Sheriff's Departments. It is affiliated with Crime Stoppers USA. Our Program now operates as an independent organization. The concept has developed into a combination of efforts by local media, businesses, civic and social clubs, law enforcement agencies, and the public. Donations of airtime, newspaper space, and reward monies helped establish Crime Stoppers as an effective tool to fight crime in the area.
Since our inception in 1981 we have added liaisons from the following Law Enforcement Agencies to our programs;
California Bureau of Alcohol Beverage Control
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
CDCR Correctional Intelligence Task Force
California Department of Justice
California Fire- Office of State Fire Marshal
California Highway Patrol
California State Parks
California State University Police, Sacramento
Citrus Heights Police Department
Davis Police Department
El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office
El Dorado County Probation
El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office
Elk Grove Police Department
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Folsom Police Department
Galt Police Department
Graffiti Task Force
Los Rios Police Department
National Insurance Crime Bureau
Placer County District Attorney’s Office
Placer County Probation
Placer County Sheriff’s Office
Placerville Police Department
Ranch Cordova Police Department
Rocklin Police Department
Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office
Sacramento City Fire Department
Sacramento County Park Rangers
Sacramento County Probation
Sacramento Police Department
Sacramento Sheriff’s Office
State Fair Police Department – Cal Expo
West Sacramento Police Department
UC Davis Police Department
US Marshall Service
US Postal Inspection
USPS Office of the Inspector General
Yolo County Sheriff’s Department
Crime Stoppers is comprised of diverse, active and dedicated community representatives. Crime Stoppers provides a method for local law enforcement to receive information on crimes. These efforts increase tips, which in turn increase arrests in our community.
Name | Position |
Duane Tadlock | President |
Daniel Hendrich | Vice President |
Amy Flink Hein | Secretary |
Trena Ellis | Treasurer/Crab Feed |
Bryon Bayer | Membership Committee |
Gordon Haley | Nominating Committee |
Alex Hoang | Law Enforcement Liaison |
Herb Long | Board Member |
Jackie Long | Board Member |
Jeannine Long | Fundraising Committee |
Bill Niethammer | Board Member |
Byron Padilla | Board Member |
Topo Padilla | Membership Committee |
Jason Russo | Board Member |
Eric Sakazaki | Law Enforcement Committee |
Peter Scordakis | Board Member |
Aron Zeff | Board Member |
Jack Zboralske | Board Member |
Tony Saika | Law Enforcement Coordinator |